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Anterior cerebral artery A1 segment perforators ( recurrent artery of Heubner) Anterior cerebral artery A1 segment perforators ( recurrent artery of Heubner) Cranial Basilar Trunk perforating branches or interpeduncular fossa arteries, thalamoperforating artery, artery of Percheron Cranial Basilar Trunk perforating branches or interpeduncular fossa arteries, thalamoperforating artery, artery of Percheron M1 Segment of Middle Cerebral Artery perforating branches or  or lenticulostriate arteries M1 Segment of Middle Cerebral Artery perforating branches or  or lenticulostriate arteries Anterior choroidal artery Anterior choroidal artery P2 segment of Posterior Cerebral artey perforating branches or thalamogeniculate artery P2 segment of Posterior Cerebral artey perforating branches or thalamogeniculate artery P2 segment of Posterior Cerebral artey perforating branches including Medialand Lateral posterior choroidal branches Posterior Communicating perforating branches Posterior Communicating perforating branches Anterior cerebral artery Anterior cerebral artery Middle cerebral artery Middle cerebral artery Posterior cerebral artery